Paul and Hernán, please hand in your pending activities BEFORE Friday 29th, 12.15
See you, Jimena
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Pending activities
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Unit 14 Tomas Lavit
A year ago when I was in the bus going back to my home a man was next to me. I was distracted and a woman was trying to tell me something, then I understood what does she said to me, the man next to me was doing pick-pocketing. I tried to go away to him. A few of minutes later the driver stopped the bus and closed the doors, then he started shouting to the burglar and the driver bit to the other man. Then the burglar gave me the things that he robbed and then go out, I lost my temper.
Unit 15 Tomas Lavit
Finding Nemo is a film of Disney Pixar, this company made Monsters Inc. too. This film is about a fish, who lived in a coral whit his father, his mother was eaten by a shark. Nemo’s father was very protector and one day, at school, Nemo decided going to the surface. Then when he was at the surface appeared a diver who caught him.
Since then a lot of adventures appear.
I recommend this film because is very entertaining for children and adults.
One of the more romantic films I’ve ever seen is Titanic. It was made when I was little but now the film continues to be a success, so I saw it with my mother. The story is about a young woman called Rose who was rich and she stayed in a cruise with her father. On the cruise there was a man of the crew that saw Rose and fell in love with she. Rose fell in love with he, too. However, in the beggining, they didn’t stayed together because Rose was married and her father didn’t aceppt that she stay with a man poor.
Althoug they couldn’t stay together, they had secrets meetings. They had a real love.
One day Rose’s husband discovered together. In this moment started to fight all.
When the cruise crushed into an iceberg.
I love this film because is very romantic and beautiful and have suspence, althought in the end is a little sad.
A few years ago my mother and I were living in Buenos Aires. Our apartment was next to Park, and every afternoon we went for a run after I returned from school.
A lot of people had told me to be careful of muggers in the park, so I didn’t usually take anything with me. But one morning my father needed to talk to me at six o’clock, so I take my mobile phone with me.
While I was running, there was another jogger. He started to talk me. After minutes my father called me, so I took my mobile phone. I was ausent mine when the another jogger bumped into me and stole my mobile phone. I started shouting and demanding that he had my cell. I’m not usually a hot-headded person but I really lost my temper.
I returned to my house and I dind’t say anything because I was angry, so I went to my bed for sleep.
High School Musical
One of the comedy musical films I’ve ever seen is High School Musical. It was made in 2006 by the master of Disney films Chad Danfoth. The story is about a young woman Gabriela Montez, who is a exelent student and a young man Troy Bolton, the best of basketball player. They like sing and dance but they can´t. Practis in secret and they are excellent. Troy love Gabriela, and Gabriela love Troy.
Despite being more than 2 years old, High School Musical continues to frighten modern audiences The story is fantastic and keeps you guessing until the end. Danfoth use special effects or lots of scenography, with a lot of vestuary and difficult choreograthy.
High School Musical is a fantastic film and really children love it.
My favourite film by Maia
One of the best films thai i have ever seen is El Gran Golpe. It was made in 2008 in United States. The story is about an important crime in England. The mains character are a girl and a boy who are planing to still the most important bank in England. They have to investigate how they can do the crime and for that they need some more people to help them. One of the person who was helping has a local behind the bank so the group of people dugged arriving to the safe.
In the other hand there is a group of people who have an important pictures in the bank that the police were looking and the woman who is one of the main character is from the two groups.
I recomend this film because its fantastic and have suspens during all the film, is for teengaer and adults that like action films. This film isnt leave a good message for people because its about a rob but its a film based on an real belt.
Pending activities...
Congratulations! Excellent results in your AACI exams. Well done!
These are some pending activities you should (MUST) hand in as soon as possible so that I can give you your final marks.
Denise G: Unit 15 Final mark: 7
Jessi: 14, 15 Only missing unit 15
Meli G: 6,7,8,9,12,14,15
Lavitan Tomas: 14,15
Joni Milgram: 10,11,14,15
Paul: 2, 3, 5, 6,7,10,11,14,15
Maia: 6, 15
Flor: 2, 3, 9, 10,11,12,14,15 Only missing 11 and 12
Hernan: 2, 3, 7, 10,11,12, 14,15
Naty: 15 Final Mark: 8
You may...
- hand them in at school by Thursday 27th
- send them to
- post them on this blog
I'll give you your marks back via e-mail or in the comments box if you post them.
Good luck, see you, Jimena
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The results of the AACI final exam (both oral and written parts) will be ready for 24th November. During that week, you will be told your final marks and your promotion status.
Remember some of you should hand in PENDING activities before Nov. 21st.
Have a nice weekend, Jimena
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Stage Company proudly presents this spectacular musical comedy for students of all ages!
And the good news is we are going to enjoy this play here, at our school, on September 4th!!
So get ready, soon we'll be reading about and listening to songs from this fantastic adventure story.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Dracula - Further practice
Choose TWO of the following suggested topics and write between 100-120 words.
a) Describe Dr Van Helsing and explain why he is important in the story. What do we learn about vampires throughout the story?
b) Describe Mina. Why was she in danger in the story? What happened at the end?
c) Who were Lucy and Arthur? What happened to them in the story? How did they help the protagonists?
d) Is this a real, true story? Or part of it? Which elements are real and which fiction?
Monday, June 30, 2008
e-mail by Jonathan Milgram
Guess where I am writing from – a hotel in Punta Cana! Arrived here two days ago, and it seems to be a great and beautiful place. It is a quite town. The weather is cold and rainy and I could not go the beach. I stay here because, when I was sailing, a strong storm attacked me. I must arrived to Mexico, I could not continue my trip. I will continue my expedition in few hours because the weather is changing.
I have been traveling for two weeks. I wanted to go from Argentina to Canada. If I make this record, I will be the champion and I will win the best boat!!.
I had bad luck because my boat was broken by the rain, I am going to go to mechanist to repair this.
I think that I have very problems with the weather and the boat, but I want to finish my idea, nothing will stop me!!.
Now I have to find a hotel to sleep and eat something, I have not slept since I started the trip.
Love, Ellen.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Next week...
Hi, this is just to remind you about the tasks and homework for the coming classes:
Tuesday 1st: Finish workbook unit 5 (exercise 6 and unit check) and unit 6 (exercises 1,2 ,3 and 4).
Wednesday 2nd: Finish reading "Dracula", we'll be working on some questions in class.
Friday 4th: TEST Units 5 and 6. Hand in the writing from unit 6 (final version)
See you, Jimena
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Next writing
Our next writing assignment (unit 6, page 45) will be a composition on ONE of the topics suggested in Exercise 10. Read the task carefully, you won't post it on the blog, just hand in the final version before July 4th.
Good luck, Jimena
guess where I am writting from - I am in the middle of the vendeé globe race!, Now I am sailing near Brazil, I have just had some problems because I passed across a terrible storm, but now the weather is better, the sun is shining very much. Outside the boat I can see the best beach of Brazil, it is wonderfull!.
I have been sailing for 46 days from now. I am very happy, I had (exept hen I was complicated by the storm), I am now in the 6th position - before the storm a was in the 3th position.
Tomorrow I think I I will arrive to Argentina, in where I will write to you again
ellen macArthur
You won’t believe where I am writing from, I'm sailing around the world and I have internet there!!- Now I am near France-Arrived here last night, and since then I had a very good weather, not so cold how I thank but it's cold because I'm in the middle of the ocean. It’s so fantastic, exciting and beautiful. I can see kilometres and kilometres of blue water but sometimes is so boried. So, how you are thinking I am very well here and until now is the best place I see in my life, so I’m very happy.
I met and old friend few days ago when I arrived to buy something in Italy. I’ve been touring for a month and in a week or less I'll be at home.
I want to tell something that happened in my tour, in the Amsterdam’s port, 4 days ago. The police supposed that I had a knife in my bag, and finally it was a pen with knife form. Yes, it’s curiously but is true! The most important is that I’m ok now when I am at home I tell the details.
The computer is running very slow so I have to turn off it but I think I’ll write again on Wednesday, and today is Sunday. Answer me please,
Guess where I ´m writing from- I´m in a internet cafe in mexico! I arrive here today because my boat broke and I can´t continue.
Here is very beautiful, the people are very good, they are very friendly. At the evening y saw my cousing Hannah that live here. We went to diferents parks because we love the neithur.
The weithers of the internet cafe are very kind and offered me a lot of differents thinks to eat.
My idea is to leave mexico today but the day is very horrible and the weather forecast anouns a terrible storm.
I think I will leave mexico tomorrow . I´m sure the weather will be better.
I will write you again when I arrive to Brasil.
Hi Rachel!, I'm writting from France, i bought a Classe Mini yatch, because i want to compete in a transatlantic race. it is a strange experience, because when i have to repare something under the yatch, i sleep there, but i can sleep 20 minutes because the danger. I have to sail alone for 33 days, i'm in the day n°10, and i've learned a lot of things, because i'm alone and i have to do all the things alone, i have to be my own capitan, electrician, smailmaker, engineer, doctor, journalist, cameraman and cook.
Yesterday, i had a problem with my yatch, so i had to repaired alone, i had not problems because i have a manual here, but i like that because it was an a very good experience for my life. And days ago, i had another problem with the yatch, at night, it was terrible because i was in the dark and i can not see what was the problem, because i hadn't have the light by my side. so i decided to sleep 20 minutes, and then find the solution. at 4 of morning, i discovered that the problem was on the mast, because i had 100 kph winds blowing around me, so it took many hours to make the repairs, i was exhausted .
without this problems, or experiences, i'm very enchanted with the landskale, because i can see very strange things, and very beautiful things like animals, for example whales, and little islands. I have to be very concentrated, because i want to win.
In the Atlantic, for my luck, i haven't had any problem with the weather, but i think that in a few days i will have a problem with this, because the sky starts to turn gray, and i'm a little afraid, but this is not a problem for me, because i know that this is what i'm really want.
I feel very well, and strong, because if don't win, i'll be happy too, because i know that i made a big efford to leave here. so this competition, it's not only for win, it's for live new experiences too. i'm feeling very lucky now to be here.
well, i think it's time to do a revition in the yatch because the clouds start to scary me, and start to prepare the food for tonight. Hope that this letter make you happy, i will write you in a few days, while i can.
Today's class
During our class today, you should finish posting your writing assignment from units 5.
Remember in unit 5 you are Ellen McArthur or Dennis Tito during one of their adventurous trips!
Next practice:
Future with will
Future with going to
Four ways to talk about the future
Will or going to
Will or going to 2
Will or going to 3
First conditional
Revision on first conditional
Time clauses
Good luck, Jimena
Sunday, June 22, 2008
E-Mail By Tomy Lav
You won’t believe where I am writing from – a little bar in Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina! Arrived here two days ago and I think that this is a beautiful place because the mountains here are really wonderful. Coming here wasn’t in my plans but my boat had a malfunction and here there are many mechanics. The weather is very cold but this won’t stop my trip.
I have been traveling for three weeks. My original idea is to go from Brazil to Chile, before come here I overcamed a terrible storms there my boat broke. I suppose I will be on my boat in two or three days, it depends of mechanic. This is not my better trip because I am feeling very lonely, I don’t know why :-(. But something that helps me is the beautiful landscape here there are big mountains and the Perito Moreno’s Glacier is fantastic!
I am writing you again when I am in Chile; Answer me as soon as possible.
Friday, June 20, 2008
You won’t believe where I am writing from- a hotel in London!!-Arrived here last night, and since then I had a very good weather, not so cold how I thank. It’s so fantastic and beautiful. I can see a bridge from my window and it’s so amazing see all the people walking in the morning. So, how you are thinking I am very well here and until now is the best place I see in my life, so I’m very happy.
I met my cousin this morning in a museum and we will be here until tomorrow night. I’ve been touring for a week and in 5 days I’ll be at home but we were touring for two weeks.
I have a few minutes more in the computer but I want to tell something that happened in my tour, in the Amsterdam’s airport, 4 days ago. The police supposed that I had a knife in my bag, and finally it was a pen with knife form. Yes, it’s curiously but is true! The most important is that I’m ok now when I am at home I tell the details.
Someone need the computer and I’m here for more than 30 minutes so I think I’ll write again on Wednesday, and today is Sunday. Answer me please,
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Email By Maia Rosen
Hi Denis Tito,
How are your things? What's going on ?
I'm writing from - a youth club where there is a small cyber! Arrived here yesterday, i had a long trip for two weeks in a boat, but i had to stop the trip because there will be a storm and if i dont stop the trip, my experience and i will be in danger. This place seems to be great and confortable to stay 2 days or until stop the rain . I hope that the wather will be fantastic tomorrow because i have to continue the competence. In the weather forecast says that tomorrow will be sunny and
meanwhile i take this time to chill out and enjoy this beautiful place. Now i´m in front on a park full of flowers and trees, it's so beautiful and peaceful, moreover there are some mobiles houses and a lot of people around the park, its really cute, you would love it.
Friend, if the weather is warm, i will leave the pleace and continue the competition. i have to arrive at Spain and this trip spend four days more, but if i arrive in three days i will be the record, is fantastic! im so happy because im sure that i could do it.
well, i have to go to have a showe for relax, because im very tired, and then i am going to take some photos of this beautiful place to show you, i think that you would love it, is a quiet town with nice people.
see you daling,
please dont care about me, i feel good for do that.
love you!
Well, darling i have to finish for now, because i am going to have a shower and then i am going to go out for dinner.
When i have free time, i am going to write again from here, i promise you!
Love you, Dennis tito
Email by Jessi Gor
Guess where I'm writing from - an Internet café because I'm staying in San Francisco for 5 hours! Arrived here in the morning, and it seems to be a great place. It's so beautiful. The weather's cold with cloudy all day but I am sure the weather is going to be better in a few minutes. I have just back of Lombard street that is a street with the most beautiful flowers around.
A little while ago I returned from dinner, I went to Mc Donals because I missed the hamburguer! Here the people are very kind but in the street there are many people that are crazy and I am afraid but I needed the people because this days I was alone in the boat. I am going to tell you a thing that happened yesterday at the night. While I was eating some provicion, started to rain and the boat started to move a lot. I was very nervous but fortunautely was raining less until stop the rain.
Tomorrow I am going to go to Los Angeles, I am going to stop for ten hours because I have to visit my aunt. I was talking with he and he said that the place it's fabolous.
Well, now I have to go because I don't have more time. I hope can write another email tomorrow or day after tomorrow.
I miss you, see you soon.
Ellen MacArthur.
Oh! I forgot to say that here there a picture of Lombard street.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Just to remind you...
As from May 19th, you have the opportunity to practise and train for your oral exam in coaching sessions here at school.
These are the possible timetables for you to pick the one which suits you best. The sessions are just 15 to 20 minutes long and will mock a real exam situation.
As you did last year, you should go to the English Lab and ask Fernando or Geraldine for an appointment, go in pairs (of the same level, of course).
Mondays: 14.40 to 16 or 16.10 to 17.30
Tuesdays: 14.40 to 16
Wednesdays: 14.40 to 16 or 16.10 to 17.30
Good luck,
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Travelling - Denise Gol
Guess where i`m writing from- an Internet café in Brasil!I'm sailing around the world. Arrived here yesterday, and it semms to be a great place. It´s so fabulous. The water´s hot, very hot, but yesterday when I arrived here, there was a strong rain and the boat moved a lot.
Brasil is more beutiful, I´m in Cataratas; I believe that it is the eighth wonder of the world.
I love this place and I´m relaxing.
Have to finish- I am going to Rio de Janerio.
I am going to stay in Cataratas for another five hours, then I am going to continue with competicion. I´ll write again from there.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Jessica and Adam by Jessi Gor
Jessica and Adam met five years ago. She was working in London as nanny . One day she saw him in the supermarket while she was buying things for the house of Brad. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job as gardener. He had come to the place where she was working in Brad Pitt's house.
As Adam was leaving, he left a little message next to Jessica's computer that said: " I am Adam and you are the most beautiful girl. Do you want to know me? If you want, call me. My cell phone number is 1554763295". Jessica phoned him on Sunday and he sent the message on Saturday and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot because they had the same customs, similar thoughts and more things. One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car while she was looking for a thing in her bag. She was badly hurt. Six months later Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot buying medicine and staying with she.
Jessica and Adam
Jessica and Adam met five years ago. She was working in London because she had a congress. One day she saw him in a street near her hotel. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job as a lifeguard in the beach. He had come to the place where she was working in an office.
As Adam was leaving, he left a little message next to Jessica's computer where he said how much he loved her and his phone number. Jessica phoned him immediately she saw the message and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot because they like similar things and they like being together. One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car when she was phoning with Adam. She was badly hurt. Six months later, Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot going to visit her, staying with Jessica and buying chocolates.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hi, just to remind you that you should read the Introductory notes and first 6 chapters of Dracula for Wednesday 18th!!
Jessica and Adam by Joni milgram.
Jessica and Adam met five years ago. She was working as a doctor in London. One day she saw him at a friend’s birthday party. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job as employee in a cinema. He had come to the place where she was working in the LORIENT HOSPITAL in London.
As Adam was leaving, he left a little message next to Jessica's computer that said: "I love you my love, I can’t live without you". Jessica phoned him when she read the message and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot because both of them like do the same things, for example go to the park, listen pop music and play the guitar.
One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car while she was crossing the street. She was badly hurt. Six months later, Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot; he was in the hospital with Jessica all days.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Writing assignments Unit 2
Good work people!
Most of you have already posted your draft copies of the writing assignment "My friend..."
Very nice stories.
Remeber you should correct, print and hand them in BEFORE Friday 13th.
You can consult me doubts in class on Wednesday.
See you, Jime
Good work, people!
Most of you have already posted your draft copies of the writing assignment "My friend...".
Remember you should correct the mistakes pointed in the comments box and print it on the template to hand in BEFORE Friday 13th.
See you on Wednesday,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Jessica And Adam
Jessica and Adam met five years ago . She was working in London as volunteer nurse in a hospital . One day she saw him while she was talking with a doctor. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job as a model man . He had come to the place where she was working in the reception, helping an injured person.As Adam was leaving, he left a little message net to Jessica's computer that said: Nice to see you, girl. Let`s meet up this evening. Jessica phoned him when she arrived house and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot because both like go to the cinema, listen to music, and both study medicine. One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car while she was walking in the street. She was badly hurt. Six months later, Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot, he stayed with Jessica for a long time, taking care of her.
Friday, June 6, 2008
My best friend Carlos by Paul (9) Nas
I have known my best friend Carlos since we started the primary school. We first met in the first class of mathematics when he told me the hour.
We have started to talk all of the classes and we have gone all fridays to the same restaurant with our familys. We have made the best friends in the world.
When the primary finished, he went to live to Chile and we haven´t seen for a long time.
Last year he invited me to stay on holidays with him and his family. We stayed in the beach together, we talked about all things, and we played in the football team of Macabi Chile and we won the cup of the most important ligue of Santiago de Chile.
In this year, we phone each other all the nights, we often chat in the computer and the friendship is very well. that´s great.
My Friend Katy
I have known my friend Katy for a long time, since we had 10 years old. We first met was in our holidays in Miramar, when she invited me to play voleyball in the beach with her team, because i was alone very bored.
We have begun to go out all nights together and we continued playing on the beach with the team. We have made good friends, and have had some fun time during the summer.
Last year she invited me to go holidays with her family two weeks , it was fantastic. I have known her friends and we have made a incredible voleyball`s team. Katy and me loved sitting in front the sea in the afternoon, we have taken a lof of photos. In the morning we got up late and after the breakfast we went to the beach.
A week ago I organized her a sorprise party for her birthay, it was excellent!, she was very happy and thankful for the sorprise. There were all her friends and her family. We have had a fantastic time, because we sung and danced a lot, she recived a lot of beautiful presents!
We have lived near, but yesterday she moved to Scotland and we are so far now. We try to talk on the phone and write emails to keep in touch.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
My friend Lucas by joni milgram.
I have known my friend lucas for a long time. I met him at a concert of the band "Callejeros" when this concert was finished. In the exit we talked about the band and their music. Then I invited lucas over to my place. In my house we listened to my Cds together and we had a fun time.
Lucas lived in Cordoba for ten years but he came to buenos aires in 2003. When he came we did a lot of things together:
We played football in the same team, we went to differents concerts of music and we met to talk evey days.
Three years ago our football team won a trip to israel to play against other clubs: Brazil, China, Colombia and Italy. We won all matches and the cup.
One year ago Lucas was sick and went to united states to recive an especial treatment. he had good luck because he didn`t died. Since then we havent seen each other very much, but we have talked on the phone and we have written emails to each other.
Jessica and Adam - Tomy "negro" Lav...
Jessica and Adam met five years ago. She was working in London as bank employee. One day she saw him in the bank. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job as a cadet. He had come to the place where she was working in the Bank Of America in London.
As Adam was leaving, he left a little message net to Jessica's computer this message said that he loved her and he wanted to see her at evening. Jessica phoned him at 3 o’clock and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot because both like the same things. One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car while she was talking on phone with Adam. She was badly hurt. Six months later, Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot going to the hospital all days.
My Friend Federico By Tomy "negro" Lav...
I have known my best friend Federico for thirteen years, when I was two. Since that we have been best friends because we have the same likes, for example we like listening rock and roll or playing football. Since 2000 all winter holydays I have gone to his home, and there we play computer games, listen a lot of music.
Two years ago my best friend Federico invited me to go on holyday with him. We went to Mar del Plata and we had a fantastic time, all nights we went to the disco and we bumped into with a lot of people. At the morning his parents went to the beach but we were sleeping. However at de evening we went to the beach and spending time with his parents.
Last year Federico moved to South Africa because his father got a job as ecologist, on one hand I am sad because I haven’t seen him for eleven month, but on the other hand I am happy because his father gets a good job. However I am communicated by e-mail and letters.
I have known Hope for a long time. I met her on my last holidays in Las Vegas. I was with my uncle, we went together because it was a present for me, and Hope was with her family. I was very bored alone, because I’m younger than my uncle, so sometimes she went to the casino, and I get alone, so all the time I could i was with her. I told her my hobby, theatre, and she told me that in her country she do theatre too, so we found a lot of things in common. We did a show together in the hotel, to the people who went to eat there.
She lives in London, so last week she invited me there to stay a week in her house with her because I said that I miss her. So I went to London, it was grate, she showed me a lot of places, and we took theatre classes together, it was very funny and I made a lot of friends there.
Yesterday, i went with her to the cinema, because she was here because her mum wants to visit the city, and we hang out together, with our mums and us, obviously. We really have fun because when I’m with here I have a good time.
My Friend Gemma
I have known my friend Gemma for a long time. I met her in Cordoba in our summer holidays on 2001. She was with her family and I was with my grandparents, so I was very bored and I was with Gemma all the time I could. We found out that we both like playing sports, but we neither, like painting. So I invited her for my club to play volleyball with my team.
Two years ago, she invited me a month to live with them in their house in a club in Lujan. It was fantastic, we played different sports and talk about our life, and we loved it.
A year ago, I was three weeks in bed, because I felt very bad and she came to see me every day. Four months ago her father lost his job and my father get him a job as a manager in his company.
A good friend by Jessi Gor
I have known my friend Sofia for a long time. We first met at Paula's house because we were celebrated her graduation five years ago. We found out that we both liked the same sport: the volley. So I invited Sofia to my house and we watched many matches of volley on TV. We were many hours and days together and for it now we are best friends.
Four years ago, Sofia's father invited me to watch the match Argentina-Spain with them in Mendoza. It was spectacular because Argentina won and after the match we saw the players of Argentina they signed autographs and took photos with us. After three months Sofia invited me to go to her field with her family, we spent one wonderful week. Sofia and I loved milking cows and we took a lot of photos with cows and had a lot of fun.
Two years ago Sofia and I went to Brazil on Christmas and we lived two weeks together. When we back to Buenos Aires received a bad new:Sofia is going to live to Canada because her father changed his job. My best friend and I were sad. Since she moved to Canada, we haven't seen, but we've talked on the phone and we've sent letters and we've written emails.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Jessica and Adam by Paul "bestia" Nas
Jessica and Adam met five years ago . She was working in London as a teacher in a primary school. One day she saw him while she was talking to some student´s. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job as a cheff in a restaurant. He had come to the place where she was working because he was withdrawing his younger brother.As Adam was leaving, he left a little message net to Jessica's computer, the messagge said: " you´re so pretty girl" my phone number is 4857-2900. call me. Jessica phoned him when she finished the message and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot and they fell in love. One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car in the rute. She was badly hurt. Six months later, Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot. When Jessica was okey , they married and had two beautifull boys.
Some changes
As you are not coming to school on Tuesday, we will be working with Dracula on Wednesday 18th. Have a nice time at the club!
See you tomorrow, Jimena
Some important dates
Hi, I'm posting the dates of the next tests and writing assignments for us to better organize ourselves. Consult me in class if you need to.
Friday 6th:
DEADLINE to post Writing Unit 2 (A good friend)
Friday 13th:
DEADLINE to post writing Unit 3 (Jessica and Adam) and hand in the final version of the writing from UNIT 2.
TEST MODULE 1 (Units 1 to 4)
Tuesday 17th:
Read "Dracula", chapter 1 to 6 and the Introductory notes. There is a Glossary at the back of the book, so you may consult the meaning of some of the words there. Soon I'll be posting the group task you will have to complete about the story.
Friday 20th:
DEADLINE to hand in the final version of the writing on Unit 3.
- The Deadlines are the last day I'm accepting the tasks but you can post them before (use the programmed post: click "Opciones de Entrada" next to the Publish button and choose the date you want the post to appear)
- The final versions of the writing tasks should be printed on the template. If you were unable to download them, please send me an e-mail asking for it, I'll attach it on a message.
- Don´t leave everything for the last day! Organize yourselves so that you can post/hand in your assignments in time.
- After you have posted a task, check in the comments box for my corrections. Follow them to improve your work and get a better mark!
- Use F7 or the Spelling check in Word BEFORE you hand in a writing assignment, it will help you reduce your mistakes.
My friend Romina - Denise Gol
I have known my friend Romina for a long time. We first met at Juan`s house 4 years ago. We found out that we liked Arjona and danced, so I invited Romina to my house to listen to Ricardo Arjona and to dance. We have passed very well together, and now we are best friends.
Two year ago Romina`s parents invited me to go on holiday with them!, it was great.
We spent one week in Salta. We went to Cafayate, and The Quebrada de Humauaca, it`s very beautiful.
We took a lot of photos and had a lot of fun.
Last year Romina´s father changed his job, and they moved to Cordoba. Since then we haven´t seen each other very much, but we´ve talked on the phone and we´ve chated and we`ve written emails to each other.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Images of Argentina
This report represent what is popular in Argentina. I interviewed fifteen of my friend and all the people in my family, someone by telephone and others in person.
The questions concerned food, free time , sport and music.
The 90% of the parents in Argentina like barbecue
but the 90% of the teenagers in Argentina
like mc Donald’s.
The 10 % of parents and the 10 % of teenagers like eat pizza.
Free time:
90% of the people in Argentina in their
free time sleep because they don’t like studying
and work and they are very tired.
The other 10% of the people in Argentina do some
sport or other activity.
Football is the most important sport in Argentina all
people like that sport. But there are others sports important
in Argentina like: basket, tennis, volley and hockey.
About three-quarters of my family prefer international
music but 90% of my friends like cumbia music and
the other 10% like rock music.
The most surprising aspect of the report is the difference
of the parents and teenagers.
The other part of the report
is very common because I think very similar to my
friends and family.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Well done
Good work, people!
Most of you have already posted your draft copies of the report "Images of Argentina".
Remember you should correct the mistakes pointed in the comments box and print it on the template to hand in BEFORE June 2nd.
This final version together with the previous letter will make up a mark for "Writing Assignments" for the first term.
Get your Portfolios ready too, I'll be asking for them soon.
See you on Tuesday,
New writing assignment
As I promised, here goes the next writing activity (English in Mind 3, unit 3, ex 11).
1. Read this story about how Adam and Jessica met.
2. Add information / details about their story in the numbered spaces (following the questions in our books).
3. Remember to use linkers (when, while, as soon as, by the time..., after, etc.) and pay attention to the past narrative tenses (past simple, past continuous and past perfect)!
4. Once your story is ready, post it on this blog (Click on "Nueva entrada" and copy and paste your version of the story).
5. Read your classmates stories, we will compare and discuss them in class next week.
6. You may comment on some of your classmate's stories, remember you can just click "Comentarios" and leave your opinion.
Jessica and Adam met five years ago . She was working in London (1). One day she saw him (2). He was a university student, but was doing a summer job (3). He had come to the place where she was working (4).
As Adam was leaving, he left a little message net to Jessica's computer (5). Jessica phoned him (6) and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot (7). One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car (8). She was badly hurt. Six months later, Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot (9).
Have a nice weekend, Jimena
Jessica and Adam - Denise Gol
Jessica and Adam met five years ago. She was working in London as a secretary in an post office. One day she saw him while Adam was trying to find the manager of the post office to speak with him. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job as a personal trainer. He had come to the place where she was working in an office beside the manager`s office.
As Adam was leaving, he left a little message next to Jessica`s computer;
Hello my name is Adam. I would like meeting you, mi numer is 4857-5520. Kisses.
Jessica phoned him just when she finished reading the message and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot, they liked classic music, and they liked going to the gym. One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car when she was talking with her mom. She was badly hurt. Six months later Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot, while Jessica was badly hurt he visited, he cooked for her, every day.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
This report is about the popular things in Argentina.
I asked to my friends and my family.
The questions are about food , sport, free time activities , and music.
FOOD: The people in Argentina are very similar. Most of them love the barbacue, it is very common in Argentina. A few of them lije the fast food for example MC DONALDS , BURGER KING , ETC. But the people eat different types of food, very varied.
FREE TIME: the majority of people sleep in his free time. Other people do diferent activities (sport , instrument, art.). The people don´t have a lot of free time. The teenagers are very particular , they spend a lot of time in computers and video games.
SPORT: Soccer is the most popular sport in argentina.
Millions of people follow it. This sport provokes violence but the people love it. A few of them like others sports, like basket , like tennis , like voley. But soccer is the most important for the people.
MUSIC: The likes of the people are very varied. Some , like international groups, Some like nacional bands.
Most of the people like POP music, some of the people like ROCK music , other like TANGO , a few like CUMBIA music. The people like diferent kinds of music and very varied.
Iam surprising in music aspect because it is very varied and the likes of the people are very diferent. Later, I am not very surprising in the others aspects beacuse I think very similar to the people. I like the barbacue, I love Soccer and I like very much the nacional bands of Argentina.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The aim of this report is to present what is popular in Argentina. I interviewed five of my friends from school, five people in the street and ten people in my family. I made three questions: What is your favourite food? What do you do in your free time? What is your football team?
Food: Half of them eat barbecue (an argentine habit) on Saturday in the afternoon. A quarter like salads and the last quarter prefer to eat pizza on Sunday nights.
Free time: 90% of the population of Argentina sleeps in their free time. The reason of this behavior is that most of them are tired after a long day work.The other 10% in their free time do any sport.
Football team: The majority in my family and friends are “racinguistas” because racing is the best team in the Argentina. Many players that arrive of Europe settled in racing quickly.
The favourite food of the population Argentina is the barbecue, the majority of people are “racinguistas” and most people sleep in their free time because they are tired.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Images of Argentina - Denise Gol
1- Introduction:
The aim of this report is to present what is popular in Argentina.
I interviewed ten of my friends and 20 children from my school, by the chat and in person.
The questions concerned food, free time activities, sport and music.
2- Findings:
Food: Well a lot of them prefer eating hamburgers, pizza ( Mc Donald, Burger Kind).
Under of 20% like salad and fish. More than the half say their favourite drink is coca-cola.
Free time: Arround two thirds of people like Chating and sleeping.
Just over 10% like going to the cinema and shoppings. 30% play computer games every day.
Sport: Football is the most important sport for more than half of the people interviewed.
About a quarter prefer playing volley to football. 10% like playing volley, and 5% say they don`t like playing sport.
Music: The majority of people prefer listening rock and pop music. Just over 20% listen to songs by American singers.
2- Conclusión
The most surprising aspect of the report is that a large numer like sport, and fast food.
I was also surprised to find out that it is a quite common for my friend to listen rock and pop music.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Images Of Argetina
The aim of this report is to prefent what is popular in Argentina.
I interviewed different people in the street, friends and known people.
The questions were about food, free time, sports and music.
Food: A lot of young people tend to eat junk food, because they say " we don't have time to eat" that's why de first place where they go is for example Mc Donalds. Old people prefer go to a restaurants to have a health's meal.
Free Time: It is quite common for boys and girls to have a computer in their house so in their free time they play on the computer or watch TV. Also, sometimes teenagers and old people like go out to the cinema, or go to the theathre. Almost five young persons love reading in their free time.
Sport: In Argentina the majority of people think, the football is the most important sport, boys and girls practice play in a football team.
Another common sport is tennis but only under a quarter of people play this sport.
Music: More than half young people prefer bands of music from Argentina. The majority of my friends always go to shows and buy all the cds from their favourites bands.
In my opinion, i agree with this people's answers. The most surprinsing of the report is that old people dont used to listen music or go to shows. They said me that they prefer going out to a restaurants.
Images of argentina - Melody Gue
1. Introduction
This report is to present what is popular in Argentina. I interviewed friends, family and some people in the club and asked them about food, free time activities, sport and music.
2. Findings
FOOD: 90% like Argentinean food, specially the “asado”. It is a typical food in this country and it’s meat cooked in a special way. However, half of them like Chinese food and pastas or pizzas on Sunday night. Two thirds like eating “empanadas”.
FREE TIME: The majority like playing sports. 10% like playing some instruments or reading . More and more children like chat on the computer and most of the population use internet for different things.
SPORT: A lot of people like football and it is the most popular sport in this country, but some of them like basketball and the players are very good in the world cup. 15% like other sports like volleyball or rugby.
MUSIC: More then half of them like Argentinean musicians. However, they like English music, like British or American musicians. Less than 10% like center American musician.
3. Conclusion
The most surprising fact of this report is the large number of people who like local food and local musicians.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The aim of this report is that people who do not know that is popular in Argentina, know about their food, free time activities, sports and music.
For this I interviewed fifteen of my friends and people in my family, by telephoned, chat and in person.
Food: The majority of young people prefer eating meat, pizzas and chicken. They often go to eat junk food, for example: hamburguers,french fries on Mc Donalds and they say that the Coca-cola is the best drink.
More than half of old people prefer eating vegetables and fish and they prefer drinking water, because are very healthy.
Under 20% of people are vegetarian. They only eat pasta and vegetables.
More and more people eat in the shopping mall.
Free time: More and more tenagers like playing computer and chatting. Over 35% of they think that watch tv is the funniest.
It is quite common for old people to go to restaurants or sleep. 1 in 3 adults prefer cinema to shopping.
Sport: The majority of girls like playing handball but a lot of them don't play because it is tiring.
Almost a quarter of boys prefer tennis to basket, but most boys do football twice a week.
Under 10% of those interviewed said they didn't like sport.
Music: A lot of people tendo to spend their money in Cds. A lot of them like listening latin music. 2 in 5 girls think British music is better than Argentinean music.
Half of adults prefer pop music to clasic music.
The most surprising aspect of the report is that a large number eat junk food and not caring cholesterol.
I was also surprised to find out that many boys think the tennis is better than basket.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Some dates
Some dates to take into account...
Friday 16th: Study present perfect/simple past, questions with when/how long, and time expressions (ago, last, in..., until, already, yet, still, just,since/for, etc.)
Tuesday 20th: Test unit 1. Just 20 minutes so please bring your books and material.
Friday 23rd: Deadline to post your report "Images of Argentina" (Unit 1, ex 11)
See you, Jimena
Friday, May 9, 2008
New book
Here go some addresses where you can buy English in Mind 3. There are many others, try searching in Internet. Good luck!!
SBS: J B Alberdi 2380, Flores Phone(s): 4637-4336
ACME Agency: Camacuá 87, Flores Phones: 4631-8559
Kel: Av. La Plata 63, Caballito Phones 4901-5647 / 4903-5306
SBS and Kel have a special discount for ORT students.
If you find it is available somewhere else, please tell us on this blog.
Have a nice weekend,
Coaching Sessions
As from May 19th, you will have the opportunity to practise and train for your oral exam in coaching sessions here at school.
These are the possible timetables for you to pick the one which suits you best. The sessions are just 15 to 20 minutes long and will mock a real exam situation.
As you did last year, you should go to the English Lab and ask Fernando or Geraldine for an appointment, go in pairs (of the same level, of course).
Mondays: 14.40 to 16 or 16.10 to 17.30
Tuesdays: 14.40 to 16
Wednesdays: 14.40 to 16 or 16.10 to 17.30
Good luck, and consult me if you need to.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
New Covers for your Portfolios
Hi, you may print these covers for your portfolios by just clicking PRINT on the following window. Remember to complete the covers with your personal information.
New Book
Hi, this is just to remind you about the new material for NEXT WEEK.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Special requests
Flor, Axel, Melina, Maia, Tomás please edit your profiles. Remember to include only your name and the first two or three letters of your surname. Go to "Panel", "Editar perfil", "Nombre a mostar" and there type this information. Also tick the box "Mostrar dirección de correo electrónico". Don´t forget to save the changes by clicking "Guardar cambios" at the bottom of the page.
Thank you very much, Jimena
Today's class
Hi, today we are going to practise listening comprehension.
Here are some links to activities. Listen carefully. Repeat them as many times as you need. Consult me if you are having trouble. Go ahead!
Act 1 At the restaurant
Act 2 At the shoe store
Act 3 4 different conversations
Act 4 Holidays
Act 5 Resort Holidays
Act 6 New year resolutions
Act 7 Wedding plans
We´ll continue practising with some situational listening activities.
Try the 5 situations HERE
See you next class, on Friday, for the test.
Bye, Jimena
Level test
Please complete this LEVEL TEST to assess your knowledge of English language. Copy the result and paste it on a comment in this post.
On this same page you may practise with some very useful multiple-choice activities with instant on-line correction.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
This week
Hi, I remind you some dates this week.
Last Friday I handed out your draft copies of Writing task 1: "Answering an informal letter" (Student's book, page 75, exercise 11). Remember you have to correct the mistakes and hand in the final version on the template by Tuesday 22nd.
The homework for Tuesday is page 104 of the Student's book, exercises 1 to 3, and for Wednesday page 110.
On Friday you are having the Revision Test. The modules included are 1 to 8 of Opportunities Pre-intermediate. Pay special attention to tenses (including all 4 future forms), active and passive, conditionals and relative clauses.
We will be having revision classess on Tuesday and Wednesday, so consult all your doubts then!
See you on Tuesday, Jimena
Special requests
Hi, I have some special requests for some of you
Tomás, Melina, Maia, Denise, Joni, Flor, Axel: please edit your profiles. Remember to include only your name and the first two or three letters of your surname. Go to "Panel", "Editar perfil", "Nombre a mostar" and there type this information. Mine is Jimena Cas, for example.
Also tick the box "Mostrar dirección de correo electrónico". Don´t forget to save the changes by clicking "Guardar cambios" at the bottom of the page.
Thank you very much, Jimena
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Written assignments
Hi, you can download this template to hand in your written assigments for your Portfolio. When you are asked for a username and a password, enter "ortenglish" on both boxes.
Complete your name, track and date (by double clicking the heading) and write your assignment here.
Good luck, consult me or the lab assisstants if you have any trouble.
See you, Jimena
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hi! This is just to remind you to include ONLY your first name and the two or three first letters of your surnames in your profiles on this blog.
2. Choose "Editar Perfil" on your right
3. Go to "Identidad"/"Nombre Mostrado" and type your name and just 2 or 3 letters of your surname
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Revision class
Hi, welcome back, how was your weekend?
Is your energy reloaded?? Hope so!
The revision today is on Present Perfect vs. Simple Past and Comparatives and Superlarives.
How much do you remember? Here goes a list of irregular verbs, just in case!
Present perfect
Go over the rules HERE.
Go on with these activities: Ex 1 - Ex2 - Ex 3 - Ex 4
For or since? Practise HERE.
Present perfect and Simple past
You can consult the rules HERE.
Now try these exercises: Ex 1 - Ex 2 - Ex 3 - Ex 4 - Ex 5
If you still have doubts on WHEN to use the present perfect, look at these examples.
PLEASE, consult me anytime if you have a question!!
Comparatives and superlatives
Remember the rules and cases? Check them HERE.
Then continue with the exercises: Ex 1 - Ex 2 - Ex 3 - Ex 4 - Ex 5 - Final quiz
Good work! When you have finished, continue with pages 74 and 75 in your students´books, activities 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 (choose only three verbs), and 9.
Activity 11 is a homework to hand in next Tuesday 1st April. 100 words aprox, printed please. You can use the letter on page 74 as a model.
Finished? Well done, see you next class. Jimena
Homework for Friday 28th: Students´book page 84.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
my plans
in the long weekend i going to go to palermo with my friends, also i going to go to the club some days and the sunday i going to go to the stadium to see football
my plans for the weekend
I will go out with my friends, and go to the cinema or shopping with then, i think that i will go to my country club "Hebraica", with my family and there i will stay with my friends. well , thaths all.
my plans for the weekend
Your smile so radiant My heart stops delighted Ven takes my hand to escape this terrible darkness. At the moment when you came back to find My mind brought me that beautiful place. Who as a child was so valuable to me. I want to know whether you want to dance with me I das if you bring your hand. By a walkway of light and darkness. Perhaps still thinking about it no I know I can not but I know and understand That you need love . And the courage to fight what you hayarás. My heart thrilled vibrates By the dust of hope and magic . Of the universe that all aspire to possess. I love for a lifetime I do not mind even if you are not interested. Ven takes my hand to escape this endless darkness.
My plans for the long weekend
On the long weekend I am going to sleep a lot and go out with friends. On Saturday maybe I will go to the club.
my plans
My plans for the weekend
In this long weekend i am going to go shopping all the days and i think i will go out with my friends all days.
On saturday i am going to go to PARQUE DE LA COSTA and i will have fun. Then , on sunday i am going to play tennis with my sun kevin.
My plans for the weekend
Tomorrow i am going to arrange with friends to go out, after that we are going to the cinema and about 7pm i am going to come back home because on saturday i have a partty and i have to go shopping to buy special clouth.
My plans
20' to a 5-day holiday!!
Now that you are authors of this blog, try to post a short article about your plans for this long long weekend.
Enjoy yourselves!
Today´s class
Hi, for today`s class click on the following links
Examples of future simple click here
In the following links, you will find an introduction (usage and examples) and 2 or 3 activities which can be corrected instantly on-line. Do not go to the activities BEFORE reading and understanding the examples. Consult me if neccessary, I´m right behind you!
Next activity with WILL
Now practise GOING TO FUTURE here
Read about and practise all FUTURE TENSES
Type 0
Type 1
Type 2
Remember to bring your coursebooks next class!
Good luck, Jimena
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Your Gmail addresses
I´ve already received several email addresses from you but some are still missing.
Remember you can create a new Gmail account at:
Please edit your Gmail profile including your name and surname (you may include just the first three letters).
Soon you will be receiving an invitation to join the blog, accept it please, and you will instantly become an authorised author of the blog.
Good luck and consult me whenever neccessary! Jimena
Welcome to 4th year English classes!