Tuesday, June 24, 2008



You won’t believe where I am writing from, I'm sailing around the world and I have internet there!!- Now I am near France-Arrived here last night, and since then I had a very good weather, not so cold how I thank but it's cold because I'm in the middle of the ocean. It’s so fantastic, exciting and beautiful. I can see kilometres and kilometres of blue water but sometimes is so boried. So, how you are thinking I am very well here and until now is the best place I see in my life, so I’m very happy.
I met and old friend few days ago when I arrived to buy something in Italy. I’ve been touring for a month and in a week or less I'll be at home.

I want to tell something that happened in my tour, in the Amsterdam’s port, 4 days ago. The police supposed that I had a knife in my bag, and finally it was a pen with knife form. Yes, it’s curiously but is true! The most important is that I’m ok now when I am at home I tell the details.
The computer is running very slow so I have to turn off it but I think I’ll write again on Wednesday, and today is Sunday. Answer me please,



1 comment:

Jimena Cas said...

Good work, please check some language mistakes and hand in before July 4th.