Tuesday, November 25, 2008


One of the more romantic films I’ve ever seen is Titanic. It was made when I was little but now the film continues to be a success, so I saw it with my mother. The story is about a young woman called Rose who was rich and she stayed in a cruise with her father. On the cruise there was a man of the crew that saw Rose and fell in love with she. Rose fell in love with he, too. However, in the beggining, they didn’t stayed together because Rose was married and her father didn’t aceppt that she stay with a man poor.

Althoug they couldn’t stay together, they had secrets meetings. They had a real love.
One day Rose’s husband discovered together. In this moment started to fight all.
When the cruise crushed into an iceberg.
I love this film because is very romantic and beautiful and have suspence, althought in the end is a little sad.